This comprehensive assessment explores the dynamic landscape of global energy production, addressing the challenges and opportunities within the realm of sustainable engineering. Fueled by the increasing demand for energy and the uncertainties posed by fluctuating oil prices, the assessment delves into the intricacies of unconventional energy sources, the rise of renewable energy, and the impact of climate change on energy production. Drawing insights from key global energy consumption data, the report emphasizes the need for a paradigm shift toward sustainable practices. It scrutinizes the adaptation to renewable energy, its challenges, and the imperative to balance the energy trilemma—ensuring safe, affordable, and environmentally sensitive energy solutions. The assessment concludes by highlighting the critical role of policy implementation and infrastructure development in establishing a truly sustainable global energy system.
Sustainable Engineering
Energy is one of the pivotal elements that give momentum to the economic as well as social development.
Year by year there has been a uncertainty in the sector of energy due to the variation in the price of oil.
With the increase in the world population that is leading to the increase in demand for the energy needs.
Today there are more resources for energy than the world has seen twenty years before (Pickavet et al,
2008). The concern over the oil is not much bothering the world today.
However the exemption of oil does not change the situation or in other words found a solution for the
bigger crisis the world is facing today. According to Soytas and Sari (2013) the simple anxiety of oil has
been replaced by myriad of other problems and more intricate challenges. Soya and Sari (2013) also states
that even though there is a rise in the unconventional energy sources, the overall endowment of the oil has
been quadrupled. The scholars signify, it is the slow growth rate in the unconventional energy sources that
makes the demand for oil to increase.
According to the global data collected, the scholars are now interpreting that the usage of energy
consumption in the global level would double than that of today, especially the share of electricity
increasing more rapidly than any other energy supplies (Fettweis & Zimmermann, 2008). It is evaluated
that since 1970, the increase in the electronic and electrical goods in homes and offices has increased up
to 600%.
Feteweis and Zimmermann (2008) also state that according to the explorative situation, the
unconventional energy especially solar could register the highest growth by contributing to the 25-33% of
the global energy mix. On the other side Feteweis and Zimmermann (2008) also asserts that the status of
oil or the fossil fuel would remain as the dominant energy resource till the year of 2050.
The report was developed to understand the growing energy demand, production and consumption in the
global level. In order to acquire the objective of comprehending these factors, various secondary sources
including journals and articles has been used to interpret the data. The sources have also been used to
interpret the measures the scholars and the analysts have derived to curb the overuse of the conventional
energy sources and bring down the consumption to a sustainable rate.
World Energy Scenario:
According to the 2010 Survey of Energy Resources, conducted by World Energy Council there are six
key facts on the world energy production and consumption, and they are;
• The global primary energy consumption have increased 11.7% from 2008 to 2010
• In the same year, it is estimated that the growth in the energy production sector remained only
2.7% while the consumption increased tremendously
• On the same note the report also asserted that the growth in the energy production acquired a new
momentum despite of the economic stagnation
• As discussed earlier in the report crude oil remain as the most used energy constituting a
whopping 32.9% energy consumption in the year 2010 alone
• Among the nonrenewable energy, coal consumption increased by 2.7% in the year 2010 that
makes it the fastest growing fossil fuel
• On another note, renewable energy structures according to the report is the fastest growing energy
resources among all and is estimated to be grow in a long term period.
Figure 1 World Energy Consumption Level by the Year 2010, Source: Council, W. E. (2010)
The scientists are professing that even the world adapts to a decentralized jazz or a centralized
orchestrated symphony scenario, the rate in the emission of greenhouse gasses would increase by two or
even four times by the end of 2050 than of the level recorded in the early 1990, and this professed
scenario is signifying the potential disaster of the current and the ongoing energy infrastructure (Soytas &
Sari, 2013).
The main reason the scientists and researchers are asserting for the disaster is due to the lack of climate
framework, and this is the pivotal reasons that keeps the global energy leaders on toe (Schmalensee et al,
2014). The energy price and associated volatile variation have become utmost critical due to the absence
of imposing price on the carbon dioxide, says the same scientist community (Schmalensee et al, 2014).
The rapid changes in various energy production and consumption policies, innovations in the
technological sector and expectation from the consumer segments are molding the energy market into a
more complex one. The greater challenge is in the evolving business models; many researches are now
indicating that most of the business models are now failing to balance the competitiveness and the
affordability in adapting to a sustainable way of production (Masih & Masih, 2007). At the same time the
various political and regulatory aspects around the world are threatening the investment in infrastructure
and innovation.
The efficiency in energy always remain as a key priority, however it takes longer period to finance them
(Masih & Masih, 2007). Sun (2008) in his work ‘Changes in energy consumption and energy intensity: a
complete model’ states that, “The fruit that is low have already been picked, now it is important to make
additional demand-side investment, incentives, innovation and more upgraded technological and technical
standard models in order shred down the current energy intensity, also the efforts needs to be increased in
a drastic way in order to provide accessibility to various energy needs of the world’s growing
population.” He also adds to indicate that any lag in this effort would lead to a failure in providing basic
energy to an estimated population of 550 million in the year of 2050, since this would restrict that
remaining population from various opportunities, life chances and even social-financial prosperity (Sun,
Energy Production and Climate Change:
It is estimated that the average surface temperature of the planet have increased 1 degree Fahrenheit since
1890. Although there is an existing argument amongst the scientist on the causes of this increase in the
heat, the current data significantly points to the reason that it was due to various made causes. There is a
large number of scientists who are focusing their study on the changes in the atmosphere asserts that
future generation of earth has to face big challenges, if the scenario of climate change continues to
accelerate (Meehl et al, 2007). This includes storms and draughts, even crop fails at a certain point of
time (Meehl et al, 2007), which could destabilize a entire country.
Thomas Crowley (2010) in his research article ‘Causes of Climate change over the Past 500 years’,
explains the major cause of current climate change scenario is due to the tremendous rise in the energy
demand and production. He signifies that since Industrial Revolution has began, the human requirement
for energy needs have been significantly contributing to the climate change scenario by adding carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere. He added, “Greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide and methane have
increased the greenhouse effects and as a result the earth’s temperature on the surface is rising.”
Adaptation to Renewable Energy and its Challenges:
There are various reasons that catapulted the global business and environmental community to push forth
the agenda and the implementation of renewable energy. With oil prices surging high, with the increasing
concern on the energy security and above all the climate change factors are paving path in the
development and growth of unconventional energy from the conventional energy form. Söderhom and
Sundqvist (2007) in their research article ‘Empirical challenges in the use of learning curves for assessing
the economic prospects of renewable energy technologies’, states that alternate energy sources can
generalized into two categories; one as a substitute for the various petroleum liquid forms and the other in
the generation of electricity, including the storage of power.
When it comes to conventional energy, there is less technical requirement than that off the unconventional
energy methods. As Söderhom and Sundqvist (2007) states, the global energy production has evolved
through conventional energy source, and major technological progress through these ages was made for
this fuel category, since the demand and production for the unconventional rose steep in the last 20 years
mainly due to the environmental issues. It is also important that the conventional energy fuels only needs
extraction and transportation, while the unconventional energy production require heavy engineering,
equipments and infrastructure, making it more costly for large scale production (Söderholm & Sundqvist,
2007). On another side all the current supply chain in many countries are structures for the distribution of
conventional fuel, and changing them to harness unconventional requires tremendous amount of cost and
time (Söderholm & Sundqvist, 2007).
Energy Trilemma and Sustainability:
Figure 2 Energy Trilemma Model, Source: Gunningham, 2013
Gunningham (2013) in his work ‘Managing the energy trilemma: the case of Indonesia’ states, “while
looking for stable policies that will acknowledge these problems, and develop investment towards energy
solutions that are sustainable in nature, it is important to ask the right question, what is plan B? What
might be the business and policy implication? How it is possible to mobilize the required capital for this
In 2015, World Energy Council or WEC, in their Survey of Energy Resources asserts that the only way to
find appropriate solution and to acquire sustainable energy solution for everyone is only possible by
acknowledging the Energy Trilemma (Please see figure 1). The three or on other words the triple
challenge for lending safe, affordable and environment sensitive energy.
Gunningham (2013) signifies that each dimension of the Trilemma Triangle is not only important, but
vital for the prospereity of a nation. Gunningham also explains that aspects of each pillars on the
Trilemma Triangle varies in energy sustainable index. This index contains nations which are capable of
providing robust energy and policies on climate change required for a sustainable energy system; and that
includes national, regional as well as global.
Gunningham (2013) describes that “we live in a time where there is a rise in uncertainties, extra ordinary
changes and hard choices. Ultimately it is important for the world to adapt to a resilient and sustainable
energy infrastructure, it is pivotal to ask the crucial question, how much current market, policies and
technology must change to contribute to the future sustainable energy.
Heffron et al (2015) in their work ‘Resolving society's energy trilemma through the Energy Justice
Metric’ explains Energy Trilemma as, “today’s triple energy challenge of providing safe or secure
(energy security), affordable (energy equity) and environmentally sensitive (environmental sustainability)
energy. Each of the three pillars or in other words the dimensions of the trilemma, Heffron et al (2015)
affirms the notion of Gunningham (2013), is vital for the social as well as economic sustainability of the
nation. The variation differs among the countries, as many of the nations are concerned about the energy
security, since it is pivotal in fueling the economic growth. Also there is other variability when it comes
to the accessibility of the energy and also affordability, above all as the pillar for the sustainability of the
environment (Heffron et al, 2015).
Kaya and Yokobori (2015) explain one of the key ways to overcome this trilemma and to establish a truly
sustainable energy system. Establishing a truly sustainable energy system or in other words infrastructure
is to find policy solutions to secure future prosperity.
Although the global energy production is drastically changing its phase and becoming more concerned
while asserting their effort on the sustainability in production and distribution, there is a lack of
infrastructure and structural development in this very sector. As discussed in various part of the report,
there are dire challenges faced within the global energy production due to the trilemma of factors, and can
only be surpassed by the systemic implementation of policy and proper infrastructure.